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Death company primaris

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Сортировать по. Commander Dante. Commander Dante is among the most storied Space Marines in the Imperium, a beloved son of Sanguinius who has led the Blood Angels Chapter for more than a thousand years. Appointed by Guilliman himself as Lord Regent of the Imperium Nihilus, Dante soars over the battlefield in gleaming golden В наличии.

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The Death Company Conundrum

Death Company Intercessors. With great solemnity were these brothers inducted into the Death Company. However, once unleashed on the battlefield, their strength, Combat Patrol Blood Angels.

But beneath their beatific and noble visage lies a murderous fury — a gene-curse dating back more than ten millennia, to the death of their winged Primarch Sanguinius at the hands of the Под заказ. Datacards - Blood Angels 9 Edition.

Unleash the glorious warriors of the Blood Angels with these handy reference cards! This pack contains the following datacards: - 7x core